Unless otherwise stated in the provided warranty terms, the seller is responsible for defects in the product that appear within 2 years from the delivery of the product. Some products have an extended warranty. If so, this extra coverage is indicated. The warranty is a “product warranty”. This means it only covers the product.

The seller is not responsible for any issues resulting from incorrect assembly or installation, lack of maintenance, improper care, neglect, abnormal use, or anything else that can be attributed to the buyer (see manual). Repairs carried out during the warranty period without the seller’s approval are not covered by the warranty.

The seller’s liability does not extend to normal wear and tear or deterioration. The buyer is obliged to follow up and document agreed maintenance and care measures.

For defects in the product that appear after the specified time periods, the seller is only liable if the defect is significant and is shown to be due to negligence on the seller’s part. For the stated liability, the general limitation period prescribed by law applies from the date of delivery of the product. A product regarding which a complaint has been filed must be made available for inspection by the seller. If the buyer submits a complaint and it turns out that there is no defect for which the seller is liable, and if the buyer should have realised this, the seller is entitled to reasonable compensation for costs incurred.

Without undue delay after receiving a complaint and at no cost to the buyer, the seller shall remedy the defect by means of a replacement product. The seller is not liable for defects or damage beyond what is stipulated in the above paragraphs. This applies to any loss that the defect or damage may cause, such as loss of production, loss of profit, and other financial consequential loss.

All complaints must be submitted at the place of purchase upon presentation of a receipt for the product.

The warranties refer to the seller’s warranties; other parties in the sales chain may provide more extensive warranties. Such extended warranties must therefore be attributed to the issuing party.

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GARANTIVILLKOR valid from 25/04/2024

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